
Willkommen in der Schweiz!

SO I have finally made it, after a three movies on a plane and not very much sleep. I'd like to think that I've been off to a good start by going out with some interns here on my first night and going to France two days after. Haha yessss

I guess here are the basics if you don't know already: I'm living in Baden, Switzerland, which a beautiful little town with very friendly Swiss people and suprisingly, a lot of international people who have all come to work for ABB or ALSTOM. I'm with ALSTOM, and I would tell you what I'm doing but after my first day of work I still don't know. Uh gas turbine development.

Spent Friday exploring the town. I live in a place where:

- Everyone bikes everywhere! And also leaves them everywhere where it is pretty much guaranteed to not be stolen. I am so excited. Did I tell you I have a bike here?
- Kids ride motorcycles and can drink more that me
- I can't read anything :( But hey I found out today that my company offers free German classes
- A tall Starbucks Frappacinno costs 7.80 CHF (8 BUCKS!)
- I walk by a giant Bratwurst everyday

That is all that I have for now. Give me a few more days and I can tell you more.

On another note, I went to France over the weekend. Yup, just like that. It's incredible how long I've wanted to go to this country of wine, dining, and art and now I can just go there - like that! It was the last long weekend here before Christmas so I might as well holiday right...? That's right, I thought so. Haha so my friend Bruce and I headed to Strasbourg, France where we spent the weekend exploring a very pretty city centered around an island in the Rhine. Saw some mind-blowing, even frightening contemporary art, parlais un peu de la Francais, tried to kick fat pigeons, admired the family-oriented, relaxed Europeen lifestyle, and of course brought back some Alsacian white wine.

Did I mention that I went to France over the weekend?

Anyways, it's a fine Tuesday night, post pork chop dinner. Maybe I'll go for a walk in a bit.


  1. Do you make your own dinner?
    You are living THE LIFE.
    (referring to kicking fat pigeons comment of course)

    Take care!! More pictures please ~~

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. soo jealous,

    Fraych that sounds awesome so far, that's so sweet that your work offers free german courses!!!

    Calgary is the same...boring, dry. Taiwan night market was fun chan got pied 6 times in the face...

    Your trip sounds soo fun, I'm so jealous


    i'm so glad to hear you got there safe and are enjoying yourself already =) AHH i"M SO JEALOUS. you know what i get to do this summer? WRITE MIDTERMS, ASSIGNMENTS, LABS, AND EXAMS. yayyyyyyy

    love love love you!
